打印常规消息 #
cat << EOF
This is line 1 of the essage.
This is line2 of the message.
This is line3 of the message.
This is line4 of the message
This is the last line of the message.
This is line 1 of the essage.
This is line2 of the message.
This is line3 of the message.
This is line4 of the message
This is the last line of the message.
打印抑制tab消息 #
cat <<-EOF
This is line 1 of the essage.
This is line2 of the message.
This is line3 of the message.
This is line4 of the message
This is the last line of the message.
This is line 1 of the essage.
This is line2 of the message.
This is line3 of the message.
This is line4 of the message
This is the last line of the message.
打印帮助信息 #
if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ]
cat <<EOF
List the statistics of a specified directory in tabular format
The command line parameter gives the directory to be listed
打印的消息输入到文件 #
cat > newfile << EOF
This is line 1 of the essage.
This is line2 of the message.
This is line3 of the message.
This is line4 of the message
This is the last line of the message.